Rubén Grilo (with Robert M. Ochshorn): Erres. Curated by Marc Navarro, Lo Pati – Centre d’Art Terres de l’Ebre, Amposta, 1.6 – 24.7.2022

Installation view with R-Scr ‘ArScreen’ (2022) by Rubén Grilo
Installation view with R-Scr ‘ArScreen’ (2022) by Rubén Grilo
Installation view with Progress Barks (2022) by Robert M. Ochshorn and Rubén Grilo

Rubén Grilo: Erres

Edited by Marc Navarro

Images: Rubén Grilo

Titles: Noor Al-Samarrai

Text: Marc Navarro, Rubén Grilo

Design: Katharina Hatzeneder

Published by Lo Pati – Centre d’Art Terres de l’Ebre, 2023